Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 31 :: The Upper Room

Contempt of the World
February 23, 2015
Kent Oviatt, Associate Pastor | Deaf & Multicultural Ministry

Last week, we read Christ's words expressing his desire for us to understand and experience his love, and to demonstrate that love to one another. This week, our study abruptly shifts to the subject of hate. Jesus uses a strong word here of maliciousness and animosity. There are many "hard sayings" of Christ in the Gospels. This is no exception. Jesus does not mince words to describe the contempt that the world has for him (the Savior). Consequently, as followers of Christ, we should expect the world to hate us being that Jesus was hated immensely. In fact, the conditional language that Jesus uses here is to be understood as, "the world really does hate you."

Are we surprised by the attitude of the world? When we stand for truth, especially when this truth confronts the worlds’ sin, we should expect nothing less than contempt. In stark contrast to the hate that we receive from the world do not forget the glorious thought! Jesus said, "I chose you out of the world." Even if we are hated by the world, we can love them because Christ first loved us.

TWEET THIS: When the world hates us, we can find assurance by resting in our salvation. #UpperRoom