Friday, February 6, 2015

Day 20 :: The Upper Room

The Promise of His Presence
February 6, 2015
Aaron Taylor, Speaker, Student Ministries 25, The Power of Influence

The disciples were probably experiencing some confusion surrounding the words of Jesus. Upon telling the disciples of his near departure, he provides them with a promise. He promises that as he is gone he will be preparing a place for his children. Jesus also promises to come again as the resurrected Savior for the purpose of placing his disciples in his eternal presence in the prepared place. He is preparing a place where his people can bask in the glory of his holy presence for the rest of eternity. Though Jesus’ departure was near, He was giving his disciples assurance of His eternal presence.

There will come a day when the Church will be in the presence of our King. We get to spend eternity in the holy presence of the Jesus, the Son of God. Look forward to and place your hope in the promise of this glorious reality. Jesus is a promise maker and a promise keeper.

Matthew Henry wrote, "Christ is the sinner's Way to the Father and to heaven, in his person as God manifest in the flesh, in his atoning sacrifice, and as our Advocate." Even now he is preparing us for our eternal promise of being in the presence of God.

TWEET THIS: We have hope because Christ is preparing a place for us and is preparing us for the place where we can enjoy his presence. #UpperRoom