Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day 23 :: The Upper Room

Greater Love
February 11, 2015
Ryan Showalter, Associate Pastor | Family Ministry

“Love each other as I have loved you.” These words come from the Lord Jesus in the form of a command rather than a suggestion or good idea. It seems pretty important, then, to consider how Jesus has loved us so we can know how we are to love each other. The Scriptures teach that Jesus became a servant—and not just any servant—he became a foot-washing servant, the lowest of the low. The Scriptures also teach that Jesus humbled himself—and not just a little bit—he humbled himself to the point of death. So how has Jesus loved us? He has served us, humbled himself for us, and died for us, all so that we might be restored to the Father in loving relationship.

Throughout the Scriptures we see the following pattern: God does something for us and then instructs us to do the same thing for others. Think of forgiveness (Matt. 6), comfort (2 Cor. 1), and looking out for others rather than self (Phil. 2). John 15:12 makes it clear that love is part of that list as well. Just as God has loved us, we are commanded to love others. This is no “do as I say, not as I do” command; rather, our love finds its root in the love of the humble servant, Jesus Christ.

Two questions to consider: First, are you experiencing the love of God right now? Wherever you are in life and however things have been for you lately, God’s love is for you! Second, do you love others the same way God has loved you? If not, confess that sin to God, receive the forgiveness he has for you in Christ, and ask for the Holy Spirit’s help to cultivate love of God and others in your heart.

TWEET THIS: God’s love is for you, and God’s love in you is for someone else. Who will you love today? #UpperRoom