Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 29 :: The Upper Room

The Vine Transforms the Desires of Our Hearts
February 19, 2015
Larry White, Associate Pastor | Music

Christ is talking with the disciples about abiding or remaining in Him. It’s in abiding in Christ that our sin is crushed and our hearts are perfected through his power. When the gospel has takes deep root in our lives and becomes the very fabric of our being, our heart’s desires are transformed by the divine love of Christ. Thus, what we long for, ask for, live for and pray changes as we rest in Christ through his grace. Our reason for running to Christ, in prayer, shifts from focusing on self to being obsessed with the God’s kingdom and God’s will being done, on earth and in our lives as it is in heaven (Mat. 6:10).

“Whatever you wish” does not imply that Christ will give us anything that we ask for. Instead, it implies that he’ll change our hearts so that we’ll ask for what he wants to give us. The command and invitation is given with the understanding that abiding in Christ always results having our hearts become enamored by his purposes. As a result, the “whatever you wish” is met with God’s provision and favor because he satisfies the desires of our hearts—the desires that he has graciously transformed and is transforming moment by moment.

Spend time meditating on how God has the power to transform our heart’s affections and longings. Ask God to continue to give you the faith to abide in Him so that He might align your desires with his glory and purposes.

Additional Scripture: I John 2:24; I John 2:19; John 8:31; Psalm 1:1-6

TWEET THIS: When we abide in Christ, he transforms the desires of our hearts. #UpperRoom