Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 28 :: The Upper Room

Power from God
February 18, 2015
Larry White, Associate Pastor | Music

Jesus clearly asserts that strength is to be constantly found in Him. We are able to bear fruit not as a result of trying to abide in our strength, but because of the power we receive from the vine, Christ. Just as a branch separated from the vine could bear no fruit, we are can do nothing of lasting and eternal value unless our power is coming from Him. Someone that professes Christ but lacks faith in the power of the true vine will be fruitless and fail to experience the life that the vine supplies in abundance.

As Christ followers, there is only one way for us to make the most of our vapor of life. God is calling us to be in constant and strict communion with Christ through the reading of His word and talking with Him through prayer. In doing so, our hearts are ripped off of self and placed on the glory of Christ who is ready to give us faith to trust in his strength and love.

Are you abiding in Christ? Whose strength are you relying on? What or who has your heart’s affection?

Additional Scripture: Matthew 13:21; John 15:16; Ezekiel15:2-5

TWEET THIS: We can do nothing of eternal value unless our strength is found in the power and love of Christ, the true vine. #UpperRoom