Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 24 :: The Upper Room

John 16:5-11
Saying Goodbye
February 12, 2015
Ramon Vielza, Campus Pastor | Calvary Southside

I can almost hear the Master's voice saying goodbye to his disciples, affirming the importance of the culmination of his time on earth and announcing the glorious ministry that the Holy Spirit would soon be starting on His behalf. Jesus knew, in his divine omniscience, the perfect and triune plan had begun and would continue through Holy Spirit. This did not stop the sentimentality or the incomprehension of his disciples. Jesus understood the necessity of the eternal Comforter: "and when [the Holy Spirit] comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment" (v. 8).

How wonderful is Jesus. As a champion, he flawlessly passed the baton to the Holy Spirit, so that he could continue the strategic plans of redemption, drawn from before the foundation of the world. His disciples could not understand the sudden change; with human eyes it was impossible to discern the eternal plans of God. How many times do we allow ourselves to be frustrated when God allows abrupt changes in our lives? We suffer when He changes areas of our lives that we consider untouchable. These words of Jesus strengthen us: "It is to your advantage that I go." Now we can be convinced that when there is change, the Comforter is preparing to accompany us in this new stage of life. The Holy Spirit is in control and he reminds us that even the adversary, the prince of this world, has already been judged.

TWEET THIS: How many times do we allow ourselves to be frustrated when God allows abrupt changes in our lives? #UpperRoom