Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Day 52 :: Nehemiah Devotions

52 Days in Review 
Today as we complete our 52 days of prayer and fasting, we celebrate as Nehemiah and his people did.
Take this time to reflect on three things:
How has God given you the Freedom to pray with and for others?

What were some specific things that God did during your times of Focus prayer and fasting?
What was the Fruitfulness in your times of prayer for laborers, open doors, and transformed lives?
We would love to read your story and see your feedback from your experience. Email a 1-3 sentence of something significant God did in your life: You can also log on to and share with others God’s transforming power.

 “. . . and I continued fasting and praying before
the God of heaven.”
 Nehemiah 1:4

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 51 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Ryan Showalter, Associate Pastor | Family Ministry (West Campus)
Nehemiah 9:1-6
As Christians we often have an acute sense of our failures, knowing immediately when we have failed to obey the Lord. Knowing how to change, however, can be more difficult. We don’t want to keep disobeying but aren’t sure how we can stop ourselves from indulging sinful desires the next time they arise. Take a moment to read Nehemiah 9:6. 
Notice their focus as they pray: the Lord! True repentance begins by ripping the focus of our hearts away from the sin that so easily entangles and re-focusing on God in all of his glory and majesty. If sin is the process of elevating ourselves to the place of God and deciding that we know what is best for us, repentance is the process of abdicating the throne as we realize that “You alone are the Lord.” When our hearts are focused on God, sin is infinitely less appealing.
How can we really change so that we don’t keep sinning? Repent! Shift the focus of your heart, of what you love and desire, back toward God. Remind yourself of who he really is—glorious, majestic, sovereign, wise, good, and on and on! Remind yourself of what he has done for you—brought you from death to life, redeemed you from slavery, made you a son or daughter! Remind yourself of the inevitable conclusion of all of history—he will be our God and we will be his people, we will see him face to face, and he will reign in glory forever and ever!
God, show me the desires that compete for control of my heart. Help me see you for whom you really are that I might not sin against you.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 50 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Fasting & Prayer (Corporate) 
Dr. Gary Chapman, Senior Associate Pastor
Nehemiah 9:1-6
When Ezra read the Book of the Law and the people of Israel realized that they had sinned against God, the people and their leaders fasted and prayed that God would forgive their sins.  In the Bible we often read of prayer without fasting, but we never read of fasting without prayer.  Fasting can be an expression of grief (2 Samuel 3:35).  It can be an expression of sincerity in seeking God’s help (2 Chronicles 20: 3-4).  It can be an expression of devotion to God (Luke 2:36-37).  But most commonly, fasting is an expression of repentance and is accompanied by prayers of confession (1 Samuel 7:5-6; Jonah 3:5-9; Nehemiah 9:1-6).
Fasting is not a tool for manipulating God (Isaiah 58:3-5).  Fasting is not for selfish gain (Zechariah 7:4-5).  Fasting is not for the purpose of impressing others (Matthew 6:16-18).
Should Christians fast?  The answer is yes.  In the midst of grief as we share our pain and sorrow with God; as an expression of our sincerity when we are seeking God’s help; as an act of devotion to God in worship; and when accompanied by sincere prayers of repentance for our sins.
Christians in America face a great challenge: Will we continue to drift with the culture, or will we turn from our sins and ask God to heal our nation.  When the people of God corporately turn to him in fasting and prayer, God always extends mercy (2 Chronicles 7:14). 
In the busyness of life, fasting often serves the purpose of giving us time to pray.  Would you be willing to give up a meal, and invest the time that you normally spend eating, seeking God’s face in repentance, request, and worship?  

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Day 48 :: Nehemiah Devotions

This Week in Review  
The Word of God is Profitable . . .  
For Reproof: Are we living in the Word, willing to have our attention arrested, willing to be rebuked and turned around on any wayward path we may have chosen?
For Correction: Are our hearts in tune with the Word, to sense and respond to the Spirit’s redirection and fine tuning as we walk through life with Him?
For Training:  Do we understand that the Word of God is our blueprint for life and ministry, do we trust the Word more than any other resource?
To Be Complete & Equipped:  Are we ready to move out and fulfill His purposes, confident that He has already supplied all we need to complete all of His plans for us?
As you contemplate tomorrow, as we draw to the end of our 52 Day Journey with Nehemiah, please consider afresh your commitments made at the beginning of our time together, and, with the spirit of what we see in Nehemiah 9, let’s finish strong this week: fasting, praying, confessing, and praising the God of heaven as we continue to follow Him. 
Tomorrow evening, we, like the people in Nehemiah’s time, will gather together in a solemn assembly, worshiping together, responding to the Word of God with confession, repentance and praise.
Day 49
Sunday 10.12.14
Use your Sermon Notes section as a point of learning, response and a prayer/challenge for the week ahead. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Day 47 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Profitable: Complete & Equipped 
Lee Chewning, Associate Pastor | Worship
Nehemiah 8:32 Timothy 3:16-17
This week, we have looked at 2 Tim. 3:16-17 through several lenses. Having meditated on the value of God’s word for teaching, reproof, correction, and training, today, in light of those very things, we recognize and respond to God with thanksgiving for equipping us for every situation we encounter and providing us with all we need (complete!). His Word is an endless source of wisdom and truth to guide our path. The longest chapter of the Bible, Psalm 119, speaks to the value of God’s Word and how hiding it in our heart can keep us from sin and keep us in close fellowship with Him. 
As Ezra read the book of the Law to the people, the ears of those listening that day were attentive because they knew their need for the Word of God. WE can learn from their experience.
First, we recognize, along with them, the power of God’s Word to move us toward closer fellowship with our Heavenly Father and to fulfill all of His purposes in us. 
Second, Eph. 4:11-13 reveals to us that for every work needed, He has called and equipped each of us in the body of Christ to fulfill His perfect plan. He is working in you. He is working through you. Be encouraged today as you consider that with which you have been equipped for the building up of the body of Christ and how you will put it to use today and in the years to come. 
Have you thanked God for making you complete and equipped for every good work? Have you considered the gifts God has given you and how He wants you to put those gifts to use for His glory?  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Day 46 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Profitable: For Training  
Don Schmidt, Associate Pastor | Adult Ministries & Connections
Nehemiah 8:32 Timothy 3:16-17
2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and (is) profitable for … training in righteousness.” This means that Scripture is God’s blueprint for marriage, for parenting, for relationships, for every area of our lives. The goal of Calvary’s marriage ministries is to help couples “do marriage God’s way.” When we are doing all of life “God’s way” we are living in righteousness, and the purpose of Scripture is to train us how to live in this way.
Nehemiah 8 illustrates for us two aspects of that process. First we have the leaders who “helped the people to understand the Law” by reading from the Law clearly and giving the meaning so that the people could understand what had been read (8:7-8). And then we have the people, all who could understand, whose ears “were attentive to the Book of the Law” (8:3).
Does that not describe well our vision for the ministries of our church? From the preaching ministry to our Bible Fellowship and small group ministries to countless informal and personal ministries … our desire is for all who can understand to be attentive to the teaching of God’s Word as it is presented with clarity and relevance.
Obviously, all is for naught if we don’t go forth to live according to what we know from Scripture; it all begins with our rightly understanding and applying the truth of God’s Word to our lives.
How would you rate your desire to “do life God’s way?” Are you regularly meditating on His Word? And are you finding ways to share what you’ve learned with others? Together let’s become a people who have been “trained in righteousness” so that we are “equipped for every good work.”

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day 45 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Profitable: For Correction
Al Fausch, Director of Business & Financial Administration
Nehemiah 8:32 Timothy 3:16-17
When I think of a blueprint, I think of a detailed guide or plan. And so the Bible is a detailed guide and plan that will give each of us guidance for every day of our lives! What a gift the Lord has given us in His word…the perfect guide for us as we walk with Him each day!
And the Word of God is a guide that also corrects.
Along with other attributes that we have already seen this week in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, the Bible says that it is profitable for correction. The Greek word for correction is a compound of two words that means to restore to an upright or right state, to straighten up again or rectify. So, we see the impact the Word of God can have in our lives!
The Lord has given us His word so that as we read, study, memorize, meditate and put His correction into practice, our life and character can be “made right” into the likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Or, as verse 17 says, “so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
Let’s look forward to being corrected today, to being equipped today, as the Lord anoints us with the Holy Spirit and power, so that we might walk with Him and bless others!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Day 44 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Profitable: For Reproof 
Steven Ackley, Associate Pastor | College & Young Adults
Nehemiah 8:32 Timothy 3:16-17
Rebuke: to express sharp, stern disapproval of. Granted there are many people who thrive on being this voice to others, there are not many who enjoy receiving it. But what if the greatest need we have, we’ll never see without a mirror and a second opinion?  Such is one role of the Word of God, to say, ‘you are wrong.’ When we consider the reason for this need and the result that it brings, we understand how important rebuke is.
The reason we need rebuke is clear in Genesis 6:5, ‘The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.’ Paul affirms this in Romans 3:10, ‘None is righteous, no, not one.’ There is a great need for someone or something to tell us when we are deceived into thinking that our intentions are always pure; the Word of God does this for us.  
Scripture also teaches us the result of receiving this rebuke. Keeping our way pure, not sinning against God, the declaration of the Gospel, beholding the wondrous things of God, a soul consumed with longing for God (Psalm 119:9, 11, 13, 18, 20). Allowing the Word of God to rebuke us, Paul writes, leads us to be competent and equipped for the work that God has created us for (2 Tim. 3:17).
Begin reading Psalm 119 today and humbly consider the implications of allowing the Word of God to speak into your life the rebuke needed to shape and mold you into the well-equipped follower of Christ that God desires you to be.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Day 43 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Profitable: For Teaching 
Dr. Don Mann, Associate Pastor | Stewardship
Nehemiah 8:3, 2 Timothy 3:16-17
A leader sees that his people are taught what they need to know. When those who follow you; your children, grandchildren, or those you mentor and disciple, where do you go to set direction? Do you go first to a clever quote, a book on leadership, a commentary, a sermon, a devotional book? All have their value. But Ezra, with the blessing of Nehemiah turns to the Word of God. We can visualize a scene of hushed silence as the Word of the law brings meaning and understanding to the attitudes and actions of God’s people and they listen attentively. 
2 Timothy 3:16-17 explains why. These are not the words of men; these Words are God-breathed. No wonder there is rapt attention. The voice of God silences the voice of men.
Years ago, as I was driving a back road, I heard the voice of God through His Word; without Me, you can do nothing. Spoken by His Holy Spirit to my heart, the words almost took my breath away. I had been trying to achieve my own goals in my own way. The Words silenced every other thought. I listened attentively! 
The people of God had experienced exile and suffering by ignoring God’s law. Here, they were being restored to their covenant relationship with their Father God. Now they heard the Word in a new way.
Heavenly Father, restore and rivet our attention to your Word as we read and hear the Word of God. Challenge and silence foolish thoughts and give us hearts to obey.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Day 41 :: Nehemiah Devotions

This Week in Review  
“. . . whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (I Cor. 10:31)
That focus is important isn’t it?  How will you prepare your mind to do “whatever you do,” at home, at work, at church, in all of life, for His glory?
With that attitude, what influence do you think you will have on others?
As together we seek fresh vision for our church and our ministry, why is this attitude so important?
This week we looked at how Nehemiah celebrated the completion of the wall yet immediately looked toward people and their future . . . how should his attitude instruct us as we cast vision and celebrate success?
As we anticipate tomorrow morning’s sermon, begin to reflect now on the importance of the Word of God in our lives and ministry as we seek fresh vision and develop leaders to reach our community and our world for Christ.
Day 42
Sunday 10.12.14
Use your Sermon Notes section as a point of learning, response and a prayer/challenge for the week ahead. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Day 40 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Celebrate & Continue!
Kent Oviatt, Associate Pastor | Deaf & Multicultural Ministries
Nehemiah 7:70-73
The work was completed; it was time to celebrate. Those who helped with the reconstruction and returned from exile now had an opportunity to celebrate – by giving financially to the treasury. In 7:70 we are told that the head of households and the key leaders gave financially to “the work.” Certainly “the work” encompasses the larger vision of restoring the city of Jerusalem and resettling its people. Based on gold and silver at today’s prices, the financial gifts exceeded 10 million dollars. In addition to the coins, the Scripture tells us that 67 priests’ garments were given. That little nugget is further proof of the commitment of God’s people to honor him with their sacrifices and obedience to the Law.
But we must not miss the significance of the celebration. 1 Chronicles 9:1-2 reminds of the importance of this event. Referring to the dark days of judgment, Ezra says, “And Judah was carried away into exile to Babylon for their unfaithfulness.” Verse 2 then speaks of their return from exile.  “Now the first who lived in their possessions in their cities were Israel, the priests,...some of the sons of Judah,…” A time to celebrate deliverance and restoration! And this celebration was confirmed by sacrificial gifts of God’s people beginning with the leadership!
Our Father, as we reflect on your goodness to the people of Israel and their restoration to the Holy City, we are reminded of your goodness to us and how that often prompts us to celebrate in tangible ways. We gratefully open our hearts and our hands to support the vision that you are placing in front of us.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Day 39 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Celebrate Others! 
Truett Williams, Associate Pastor | Students
Nehemiah 7:1-6
Nehemiah did not relax after the job of building the wall was finished. He went from building the wall to building community.  
Nehemiah knew that it was important to repopulate God’s city with God’s people so the work of God could go on.  Likewise, a church is not the walls but it is the people. We are called to do God’s work, to make, mature and multiply followers of Christ.
Nehemiah was a man with a long-term vision. It was not enough for him to re-build the wall and then walk away and return to the comfort of the palace. He was a man of paced and focused action. He moved quickly to the next logical initiative. He considered immediate action imperative if he was going to see the hard work of the last 52 days established and strengthened. Nehemiah sought to know who had been a part of the city in the past; his community and its future was important to him.
Nehemiah has taught us the significance of character and we would do well to celebrate those with his character strengths, those with vision and zeal for accomplishing the purposes of God. Like, Nehemiah, we strive for an unmovable faith and trust in God who strengthens the feeble knees and hands.
As the unified people of God, we share in hardships and are generous, careful to be obedient to God’s leading.
And, like Nehemiah, in the strength of His mighty power, we stand firm and persevere.
Who can you celebrate in our church family for their faithfulness today? Who can you strengthen through your character and encouragement as we together accomplish the purposes of God?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 38 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Celebrate Completion 
Jim Boyd, Director of Support Services
Nehemiah 6:15
What a monumental undertaking Nehemiah had to rebuild this wall. Not only was the task challenging, the circumstances were as well.  There were many construction challenges, as well as opposition from within and without. He also had many enemies to contend with, vs. 16.
Through all of this, Nehemiah met opposition first with Prayer, and second with Action. His strength was not of himself, but from God.  This is evident in Nehemiah 4:15, and 6:16.  When his enemies realized that the work was done with the help of God, they lost their confidence to attack.
But there is a great note of victory! They completed the work in only 52 days.  In today’s standards, this is a massive undertaking. But the best answer to opposition and tough circumstances was to keep working to fulfill God’s will; thus others saw God’s power working through His people. What a celebration this must have been for Nehemiah and those who were part of the rebuilding of the wall.
Father, help us always understand that we are weak without you. But when we work according to your plans and with your power, we can do all things through Jesus Christ our Lord. In this we celebrate in Your victories and give You the glory.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Day 37 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Success in the Midst of Struggle      
Dr. Guy Hipp, Sr. Associate Pastor | Coordination & Accountability
Nehemiah 6:1-14
Trouble, adversity, detours, bumps in the road, tragedies are not words we want to hear or experience, but they are the everyday experiences of life. James 1:2 challenges us to “count it as joy” when we face trials.  Nehemiah and his band of followers faced great trials.  They were accused of sedition and rebellion against the King of Babylon, even the accusation that the people were making Nehemiah king (6:6).
The adversaries, Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem the Arab were trying to build fear in the people, thinking: “Their hands will drop from the work, and it will not be done” (6:9). They wanted Nehemiah to run away in fear (6:11).
This practice sounds like some of the everyday experiences of believers and particularly the united community of God’s people.  When we act together doing the work of God, know that we will always have opposition. 
Remember Nehemiah’s words:  “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (8:10).  See his actions from our passage.  First, he called the people together – there is great power and encouragement when God’s people come together.  Second, he shared the situation and accusation made against him and his people – very important for the people of God to know the truth in dealing with adversity.  Third, Nehemiah and the people prayed – spiritual leaders and God’s people pray for the power of God, His protection, and asked God to “remember” their adversaries.
God, guide our church leaders as we face adversaries.  May the community of faith at Calvary be a source of strength building an overcoming spirit as we see You work, and we seek to make, mature, and multiply disciples in Winston-Salem and the world.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 36 :: Nehemiah Devotions

For the Glory of God 
Steve Hardy, Associate Pastor | Missions
Nehemiah 6:16, 1 Corinthians 10:31
How often are you amazed at the Glory of God? Seeing His glory should be a constant in our walk with God, for He is truly an amazing God.  When we are watching for God’s glory it will be easy to see because He wants us to know that He is God and He is looking out for us. Sometimes, however, God’s glory will overwhelm us even if we are not looking for it.  
Nehemiah 6:16 tells us that the enemies of God were overwhelmed with His glory when the wall was completed in just 52 days. They certainly were not looking for God’s glory, but when they saw the work God had accomplished through His people they became fearful and humbled. The rebuilding of the wall was an amazing feat that could only be accomplished through God’s power and with His help. In this simple accomplishment people who were far from God realized that He was truly God, and that they stood helpless against Him.
In 1 Corinthians 10:31 we are reminded that whatever we do we must do for God’s glory. This means we must consider what God wants instead of what we want, and in the end His desires will be best for us. As we work, and as God’s glory is demonstrated through us, non-believers will take notice and we will see Him bring others to Himself.
Father, allow us to see your glory clearly.  Help us to work for your glory in all that we do so that those who are far from you may see you as the true God who is worthy of our praise.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Day 34 :: Nehemiah Devotions

This Week in Review  
Integrity, Discernment, Generosity, Courage, and Living in the Presence of God; these character traits that we have reviewed this week are definitely the marks of great leaders.
How does integrity and discernment inspire others to follow a leader, even in times of difficulty?
Does it surprise you that generosity is an important character trait for you as a leader?  
Courage and Living in the Presence of God . . . how will you allow your relationship and dependence on God to motivate you to courageous leadership in your life and ministry? 
In preparation for tomorrow morning, reflect now how living in the presence of God will lead us to praise Him as He accomplishes His plans and purposes in our lives. 
Day 35
Sunday 10.12.14
Use your Sermon Notes section as a point of learning, response and a prayer/challenge for the week ahead. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Day 33 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Live in the Presence of God 
Larry White, Associate Pastor | Music
Nehemiah 5:9, 5:15, 5:19, 6:9, 6:14
A medical doctor once said, “There is nothing in the world which helps a man surmount his difficulties, survive his disasters, and stay healthy and happy, as the knowledge of a life task worthy of his devotion.”
With this statement in mind, you can see how Nehemiah let nothing turn him from his mission, not outside pressures or internal challenges.
A spiritual leader lives his life in the presence of God.  Nehemiah was a good example of focused and unselfish living and he shows us this in 5:9, “What you are doing is not right! Should you not walk in the fear of our God in order to avoid being mocked by enemy nations?” When he had leadership over his people and could have taken advantage of them as their former leaders had, he chose not to because “I feared God, I did not act that way” (5:15).
In 6:9, Nehemiah saw that their enemies were only trying to discourage him and the people, but he refused to lose focus and prayed to God, “Now strengthen my hands.” Their attempts to discourage only made him stronger.
When a leader is attacked by enemies, he must leave the defense to God and stand firm in his vision and purpose.
Father, it’s my prayer that you would strengthen me and help me to keep my eyes on You and not let others defeat me with words or actions. Help our church to be focused on You so that our goals would not be selfish or for personal gain. If we walk in your strength and light, You will grow us to be the church that can bring Your light to our world.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Day 32 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Lee Chewning, Associate Pastor | Worship
Nehemiah 6: 1-14
We have already seen how Nehemiah has overcome some incredible hurdles but the storms keep coming. Read Nehemiah 6 1:1-14 to understand the challenges Nehemiah continued to face. 
Have you ever felt like everything was against you? Nehemiah has faced some tough physical challenges, but the mental challenge he faces in this passage is one from which we can learn. Let’s look at the darts thrown at him.
First his opposers ask him to leave the wall and stop the work. Repeatedly. Next, they write a letter filled with lies to lure Nehemiah away. Then, they even hire someone to try and scare Nehemiah away by threatening his life. 
Now we look briefly at the God-given tools Nehemiah used to overcome these very difficult situations. It’s not hard to see, throughout this passage, God-given wisdom in his responses. He acted on his trust in God’s leading and protection to accomplish this vision (vs 8). There is a clarity of call that keeps Nehemiah focused throughout these distractions (vss 3&9). He also had the boldness to confront as he gave strong and swift responses to halt these enemies (vss 3&9). Even though they seemed relentless, Nehemiah had an unwavering faith when these storms kept coming (vss 3-14). 
Ask God for Wisdom (James 1:5)? Pray for God to open our eyes to the clarity of His call (Matthew 28:19-20). Ask Him to give you boldness to confront when ungodly opposition comes (Matthew 18:15-18). Ask God to strengthen our faith as we do the work. We pray today as Nehemiah did in vs. 9, “Now therefore, O God, strengthen my hand.”

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day 31 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Generous by Example
Dr. Don Mann, Associate Pastor | Stewardship
Nehemiah 5:14-19
Generosity, like many character traits, is more often caught than taught. I remember watching my grandfather, a successful businessman, being generous with time and treasure. He spent hours mentoring young pastors in business decisions of their church. I saw him personally finance a mission church, buy groceries for families in need, and still hear stories of how, during the depression, he would do things such as offer $5 to anyone who would come to his store and hear the gospel. On and on are the memories and stories of his lifestyle generosity. I remember being told (though I didn’t understand it at the time) that though my grandfather’s estate was not great, he left a great legacy.
Nehemiah didn’t look for public recognition for his generosity. Like a type of Christ, he wanted the remembrance of God for taking the burden off burdened people and bearing it himself. Not asking to be praised, only remembered by the God who gives greater rewards.  
Each day we can choose to be generous. I think that’s the legacy most of us want. Not only to be remembered by our family and friends, but to hear the words of our Master; well done, good and faithful servant. 
Heavenly Father, give us clarity of thought and generosity of heart to respond to opportunity, to challenge our selfishness and greed, and bring glory and honor to you today and for eternity.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Day 30 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Discerning the Outcry     
Ramon Vielza, Campus Pastor | Southside
Nehemiah 5:6-13
One of the hardest moments in the life of a Christian leader is discovering our own brothers in Christ are living and acting unjustly against their neighbors. Nehemiah was angry when he discovered those who were enslaving their Jewish brothers and taking away their possessions. 
The problem that Nehemiah faced was that the pagan culture surrounding his people had become so ingrained into their thinking that they had become corrupt from sin, living far from God.  How could Nehemiah confront this situation?
Make clear what is wrong (vs. 7): Nehemiah took the responsibility to say clearly: “This is not good!”
Confront the guilty in front of the great assembly (vs. 7-8): It must be understood that this was a problem that affected everyone and this bad testimony had become an example to all of their enemies.
Allow the fear of God to take over the entire congregation (vs. 12-13): When God makes a promise, he will fulfill it. Making a true change is what will bring the desired changes to the people of God.
Be brave, the key characteristic of any Christian leader:  Confront those who are living outside of the plan God has for their lives, so that they understand how their actions are affecting their own lives and the lives of their weaker brothers, and bring change to their lives.
Lord we know that you have given us, your leaders in Christ, the ability to be brave. We need you to help us understand and follow your will. Teach us how to live with a love like yours so that we can bring that love to a world that is weak and enslaved in sin. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 29 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Luke Samuelson, Campus Pastor | West
Nehemiah 5:1-13
Merriam-Webster’s dictionary gives us the definition of integrity as “an unimpaired condition.” Another listed definition is “the quality or state of being complete or undivided.”  The Hebrew word for integrity, “tom,” also means to be complete or solid. This doesn’t mean sinless perfection, since we know only One who has ever been without sin, but it does mean personal dependability, financial responsibility, and private purity. 
Nehemiah was assigned a job, and regardless of who was watching, he was going to complete his job. Nehemiah displays a blend of courage and integrity by not backing down when facing opposition and doing the right thing. 
Are you facing opposition when trying to do the right thing? When the pressure mounts and the critics gather; integrity doesn’t back down, doesn’t crack under the pressure, and stands firm to do the right thing, even if it’s unpopular. 
The culture around us has views that are in opposition to the Christian worldview. If you want to standout today, imagine saying these words found in verse 9, “The thing that you are doing is not good. Ought you not walk in the fear of our God?” 
Sometimes integrity is having the courage to tell the truth, even if there are negative consequences. The world needs men and women of integrity! We need it in our schools, homes, churches, and marketplaces. 
Father, we want to be people of integrity. We want to represent you well as your ambassadors and live a life that is pleasing and glorifying to you. Give us the strength to stand up for You in this fallen and sinful world. We ask your help to be people of integrity for your glory and honor. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Day 27 :: Nehemiah Devotions

This Week in Review  
The people who were working with Nehemiah were confident under his leadership, with “a mind to work,” ready for to accomplish God’s Plan.  What a great reminder that our attitude is important and that, with our confidence in Christ to work in us and through us, we can overcome obstacles for His glory.
What have you learned about opposition this week?  
Does it encourage you to understand that there will always be opposition to the work of God?  
How will you prepare yourself to be ready and not distracted by the taunts of our enemy?
Be ready!  Embrace the bold plans that God will place in front of us to win our community to Christ, to strengthen disciples in our walk with Him, and to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth!
As we anticipate tomorrow’s sermon, reflect now on how opposition can be used by God to teach us to trust and develop His character within us.
Day 28
Sunday 10.5.14
Use your Sermon Notes section as a point of learning, response and a prayer/challenge for the week ahead. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 26 :: Nehemiah Devoations

Make and Execute Bold Plans 
Don Schmidt, Associate Pastor | Adult Ministries & Connections
Nehemiah 4:1-21
This passage is filled with examples of the obstacles that Nehemiah faced: They were taunted by the inhabitants of the land (4:1-3); their lives were threatened by their enemies (4:7-8); they grew weary and felt overwhelmed (4:10); they labored from dawn until dark, they didn’t return to their homes, they slept in their clothes (4:21-23); and they experienced internal, civil discord that distracted them from the work God had called them to fulfill (5:1-5).
In the face of these overwhelming obstacles, Nehemiah called the people to the most significant work of their lives: Nehemiah called on God (4:4-5, 9), he challenged the people to “remember the Lord who is great and awesome” (4:14), and he responded to the challenges with clear plans of action (4:6,9,13,16,19,22).
As I reflect on this passage, I am struck by two observations. First, everyone had a job, everyone knew their job, everyone did their job. That is a great example for all of us who serve on the ministry teams of our church. 
Second, the success of their undertaking required a dual focus by everyone involved – they had to focus both on the primary task (that of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem) and also on the need to protect the task. This reminds us that we need to understand and defend the work that God has called us to accomplish for Him. 
Do you have a ministry assignment? Are you serving faithfully in the task God has called you to complete? And do you recognize the ways in which you can respond to those things that threaten and hinder the work of God through our church? Together we will accomplish all that God has called us to fulfill for His glory.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day 25 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Refocus the Reproach    
Gary Byrum, Associate Pastor | Pastoral Care & Sr. Adults
Nehemiah 4:1-21
As Nehemiah and the people continued to rebuild the walls of the city, the taunts of Sanballat and Tobiah were mocking, demeaning, and threatening.  But, Nehemiah did not answer them directly; consistent with his character, he turned his voice instead to the God of heaven.  
And in prayer, after noting their jeers, he refocused Sanballat’s and Tobiah’s personal taunts back to their real target, God himself.  Nehemiah was accomplishing God’s work, and according to God’s plan.  So the opposition was really directed toward God himself, and Nehemiah trusted God to be their judge and for God to deal with them, as he said, “for they have provoked you to anger in the presence of the builders.” (v. 5) 
I love Nehemiah’s next simple statement:  “So we built the wall . . . for the people had a mind to work.” (v. 6)
Let the opposition rage.  Nehemiah ignored them, prayed to the God of heaven . . . and continued the work that God had given him to do.
Certainly opposition will come our way as we engage the work of God.  But, we also have the same opportunity:  take note of the opposition, pray to God in heaven, never lose our focus, and complete the gospel work that God has given us.
Father, when Sanballat and Tobiah come our way, remind us to fix our eyes on Jesus (Heb. 12:2), to pray for our enemies (Matt. 5:44), and to joyfully finish the gospel work you have given us to do (Phil. 1:6), for the glory of God and the salvation of the lost! 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day 24 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Always Face Opposition 
Dr. Gary Chapman, Senior Associate Pastor
Nehemiah 4:1-21
The sun was shining, the birds were singing, everything looked great.  Nehemiah was back in Jerusalem, and the people had responded to his message and were excited about rebuilding the walls around Jerusalem.  However, almost immediately they faced the opposition of Sanballat and Tobiah, along with the Ammonites and Ashdodites.  We should not expect it to be different for us.  When an individual or a church sets out to do something under the hand of God, we can expect opposition.  
Persecution is not a sign that we should quit.  Persecution is evidence that we are doing something important.  Sanballat was not opposed to the people of Israel as long as they were simply eking out an existence in the ruins of Jerusalem.  It was only when they began to rebuild the walls of the city that he became furious.  Satan does not attack the church who is not consciously seeking to impact the world.  It is when individuals and churches, moved by the Spirit of God, begin to make and execute plans that will bring people from the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of Light, that Satan’s opposition will rise.
What we must remember is that “the battle is the Lord’s.”  As Nehemiah cried out, “Hear us O our God…” so in the face of opposition we too must rely upon the power of God and not our own ingenuity. 
Father, we want to join you in reaching our generation.  Let our hearts respond to your heart.  Let your vision be our vision.  When opposition comes, in our hour of difficulty may our hearts turn to you and rely on your power to accomplish your purposes.