Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 18 :: The Upper Room

Believe in Jesus
February 4, 2015
Bo Sowers, Intern | Family Ministry

Jesus just told the disciples that he was leaving them and that they could not go with him. He told Peter that he was going to deny Jesus before the night’s end. Thus, the disciples were troubled and full of fear. Jesus knew that his departure and eventual crucifixion had wreaked havoc in the hearts of his disciples. The disciples were emotionally torn by the fact that the Jesus whom they loved would soon be gone. Fear arose at the mere thought of not being in the presence of Jesus. Jesus responds to their fear saying, “Believe in God; believe also in me.” In other words, he’s saying, “just as you believe in the God that you cannot see, believe also in me.” Jesus wanted his disciples to trust in his presence like they trusted in God’s. Even though there was going to come a point when he wouldn’t physically be with them, he knew his presence would still be readily available by way of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, he said, “Trust me.”

Though we cannot see Christ in the physical form, we can trust in his presence that is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, everywhere and all the time. We can find great peace in trusting in Christ’s presence because it is full of redemption, love and grace. Peace is available because Christ is present, alive and ready to comfort.

TWEET THIS: Peace is available because Christ is present, alive and ready to comfort. #UpperRoom