Monday, October 20, 2014

Day 43 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Profitable: For Teaching 
Dr. Don Mann, Associate Pastor | Stewardship
Nehemiah 8:3, 2 Timothy 3:16-17
A leader sees that his people are taught what they need to know. When those who follow you; your children, grandchildren, or those you mentor and disciple, where do you go to set direction? Do you go first to a clever quote, a book on leadership, a commentary, a sermon, a devotional book? All have their value. But Ezra, with the blessing of Nehemiah turns to the Word of God. We can visualize a scene of hushed silence as the Word of the law brings meaning and understanding to the attitudes and actions of God’s people and they listen attentively. 
2 Timothy 3:16-17 explains why. These are not the words of men; these Words are God-breathed. No wonder there is rapt attention. The voice of God silences the voice of men.
Years ago, as I was driving a back road, I heard the voice of God through His Word; without Me, you can do nothing. Spoken by His Holy Spirit to my heart, the words almost took my breath away. I had been trying to achieve my own goals in my own way. The Words silenced every other thought. I listened attentively! 
The people of God had experienced exile and suffering by ignoring God’s law. Here, they were being restored to their covenant relationship with their Father God. Now they heard the Word in a new way.
Heavenly Father, restore and rivet our attention to your Word as we read and hear the Word of God. Challenge and silence foolish thoughts and give us hearts to obey.