Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day 31 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Generous by Example
Dr. Don Mann, Associate Pastor | Stewardship
Nehemiah 5:14-19
Generosity, like many character traits, is more often caught than taught. I remember watching my grandfather, a successful businessman, being generous with time and treasure. He spent hours mentoring young pastors in business decisions of their church. I saw him personally finance a mission church, buy groceries for families in need, and still hear stories of how, during the depression, he would do things such as offer $5 to anyone who would come to his store and hear the gospel. On and on are the memories and stories of his lifestyle generosity. I remember being told (though I didn’t understand it at the time) that though my grandfather’s estate was not great, he left a great legacy.
Nehemiah didn’t look for public recognition for his generosity. Like a type of Christ, he wanted the remembrance of God for taking the burden off burdened people and bearing it himself. Not asking to be praised, only remembered by the God who gives greater rewards.  
Each day we can choose to be generous. I think that’s the legacy most of us want. Not only to be remembered by our family and friends, but to hear the words of our Master; well done, good and faithful servant. 
Heavenly Father, give us clarity of thought and generosity of heart to respond to opportunity, to challenge our selfishness and greed, and bring glory and honor to you today and for eternity.