Friday, October 10, 2014

Day 33 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Live in the Presence of God 
Larry White, Associate Pastor | Music
Nehemiah 5:9, 5:15, 5:19, 6:9, 6:14
A medical doctor once said, “There is nothing in the world which helps a man surmount his difficulties, survive his disasters, and stay healthy and happy, as the knowledge of a life task worthy of his devotion.”
With this statement in mind, you can see how Nehemiah let nothing turn him from his mission, not outside pressures or internal challenges.
A spiritual leader lives his life in the presence of God.  Nehemiah was a good example of focused and unselfish living and he shows us this in 5:9, “What you are doing is not right! Should you not walk in the fear of our God in order to avoid being mocked by enemy nations?” When he had leadership over his people and could have taken advantage of them as their former leaders had, he chose not to because “I feared God, I did not act that way” (5:15).
In 6:9, Nehemiah saw that their enemies were only trying to discourage him and the people, but he refused to lose focus and prayed to God, “Now strengthen my hands.” Their attempts to discourage only made him stronger.
When a leader is attacked by enemies, he must leave the defense to God and stand firm in his vision and purpose.
Father, it’s my prayer that you would strengthen me and help me to keep my eyes on You and not let others defeat me with words or actions. Help our church to be focused on You so that our goals would not be selfish or for personal gain. If we walk in your strength and light, You will grow us to be the church that can bring Your light to our world.