Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day 25 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Refocus the Reproach    
Gary Byrum, Associate Pastor | Pastoral Care & Sr. Adults
Nehemiah 4:1-21
As Nehemiah and the people continued to rebuild the walls of the city, the taunts of Sanballat and Tobiah were mocking, demeaning, and threatening.  But, Nehemiah did not answer them directly; consistent with his character, he turned his voice instead to the God of heaven.  
And in prayer, after noting their jeers, he refocused Sanballat’s and Tobiah’s personal taunts back to their real target, God himself.  Nehemiah was accomplishing God’s work, and according to God’s plan.  So the opposition was really directed toward God himself, and Nehemiah trusted God to be their judge and for God to deal with them, as he said, “for they have provoked you to anger in the presence of the builders.” (v. 5) 
I love Nehemiah’s next simple statement:  “So we built the wall . . . for the people had a mind to work.” (v. 6)
Let the opposition rage.  Nehemiah ignored them, prayed to the God of heaven . . . and continued the work that God had given him to do.
Certainly opposition will come our way as we engage the work of God.  But, we also have the same opportunity:  take note of the opposition, pray to God in heaven, never lose our focus, and complete the gospel work that God has given us.
Father, when Sanballat and Tobiah come our way, remind us to fix our eyes on Jesus (Heb. 12:2), to pray for our enemies (Matt. 5:44), and to joyfully finish the gospel work you have given us to do (Phil. 1:6), for the glory of God and the salvation of the lost!