Thursday, October 16, 2014

Day 39 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Celebrate Others! 
Truett Williams, Associate Pastor | Students
Nehemiah 7:1-6
Nehemiah did not relax after the job of building the wall was finished. He went from building the wall to building community.  
Nehemiah knew that it was important to repopulate God’s city with God’s people so the work of God could go on.  Likewise, a church is not the walls but it is the people. We are called to do God’s work, to make, mature and multiply followers of Christ.
Nehemiah was a man with a long-term vision. It was not enough for him to re-build the wall and then walk away and return to the comfort of the palace. He was a man of paced and focused action. He moved quickly to the next logical initiative. He considered immediate action imperative if he was going to see the hard work of the last 52 days established and strengthened. Nehemiah sought to know who had been a part of the city in the past; his community and its future was important to him.
Nehemiah has taught us the significance of character and we would do well to celebrate those with his character strengths, those with vision and zeal for accomplishing the purposes of God. Like, Nehemiah, we strive for an unmovable faith and trust in God who strengthens the feeble knees and hands.
As the unified people of God, we share in hardships and are generous, careful to be obedient to God’s leading.
And, like Nehemiah, in the strength of His mighty power, we stand firm and persevere.
Who can you celebrate in our church family for their faithfulness today? Who can you strengthen through your character and encouragement as we together accomplish the purposes of God?