Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Day 17 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Matching Talents & Tasks   
Don Schmidt, Associate Pastor | Adult Ministries & Connections
Nehemiah 3:1-121 Peter 4:10
Having been to Jerusalem, I have seen the walls of the city. I cannot imagine an undertaking of this magnitude: rebuilding the walls that had been left as piles of rubble. 
Nehemiah 3 is a testimony of what God can accomplish when His people work together under His direction to accomplish His purposes. Nehemiah 3 is also a beautiful example of Peter’s challenge to the church: “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s [multifaceted] grace” (I Pet. 4:10).
Not everyone uses their gifts to accomplish the purposes of God. In Nehemiah 3:5 we read, “And next to them the Tekoites repaired, but their nobles would not stoop to serve their Lord.” Here was a group of men who failed to use their talents for the purposes of God. They failed to see they were serving God and not Nehemiah. They also failed to lead their team with their example. How would you like this as the legacy recorded as your epitaph?!
The commentary doesn’t end there; read also 3:27 where Nehemiah records, “After him the Tekoites repaired another section opposite the great projecting tower as far as the wall of Ophel.” The poor example of their leaders did not discourage the Tekoites from their work; instead they went on to complete a second assignment in the rebuilding of the wall.
Lord, thank You for the many at Calvary who are like the Tekoites, those who use their gifts to serve You. I pray that You would help all of us to be driven by the vision of what You want to accomplish through our lives as we serve You together.