Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day 13 :: Nehemiah Devotions

This Week in Review  
While Nehemiah prayed seriously for opportunity and clear direction from God, he also obviously spent time in planning and detailed preparation in anticipation of God’s answer to his prayer.
When the open door came through the king’s offer, Nehemiah was ready; he had prepared a plan and had sought clear vision from the Lord.
What is it that you are praying about as a leader?
What do you sense the Lord preparing to open for you?
Ask Him for clear vision.
Plan in preparation for His answer.
And be ready to walk through the open doors that He will provide.
Tomorrow’s study during our Sunday morning worship, will prepare us for those open doors.
Day 14
Sunday 9.21.14
Use your Sermon Notes section as a point of learning, response and a prayer/challenge for the week ahead.