Friday, September 19, 2014

Day 12 :: Nehemiah Devoations

Communicating Carefully with Others  
Kent Oviatt, Associate Pastor | Deaf & Multicultural Ministries
Nehemiah 2:17-20
After Nehemiah inspected the walls, prayed, cultivated a vision and developed a plan, he gave a report to the leaders for the first time (the Jews, the priests, the nobles, the officials, or the rest who did the work).
In these brief verses, we see how Nehemiah communicated the plan which led to a response. Nehemiah was honest with the people about their testimony in the community. They were a reproach.  So not only did he describe the physical ruins of the walls and gates, he described the effect this neglect had on their testimony as the people of God.  Earlier, Nehemiah’s brother had reported that the people of God were in great distress and a reproach (1:3).  
Nehemiah’s communication then turned to the plan - rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. In doing so, the testimony of God’s people would not be in question. The Lord had been gracious and gave him preference with the King. The people of God not only responded positively at this news, but put their hands to work. It was a courageous plan and Nehemiah succeeded in his communication.
After the people agreed to move ahead with the plan, they faced opposition. Nehemiah spoke candidly to this resistance. God would give a successful outcome to the vision and to his people, but would deny the enemy any honor or reward.
Father, thank you for the testimony of Nehemiah. We acknowledge that our neglect of your claim on our lives will result in reproach.  Lead us to embrace your plan. Protect us from the opposition that is all around us.  We depend on you today to accomplish the good work that you have called us to do in Christ’s name.