Nehemiah was the cupbearer for King Artaxerxes. The cupbearer tasted the wine before the king drank it, tasted the food before the king ate it. If someone tried to poison the king - no more cupbearer - but, “long live the king.”
It was a position of intimacy and trust. The cupbearer had to be with the king during confidential discussions. He had access to the royal presence in a way that would have been death for anyone else. It’s even been suggested that, apart from the queen, the cupbearer had the greatest influence on the king.
Nehemiah had a burden for his people. After three months of planning, thinking how he could accomplish rebuilding the wall, and developing a strategy Nehemiah had his opportunity. When the king asked Nehemiah how he could help, notice the response, “He prayed to the God of Heaven.” Nehemiah knew the king could help but he recognized that God was the source of help.
Nehemiah made bold requests - for time off work, for protection, and for supplies. The importance of planning and careful preparation has been modeled for us. Planning and preparation are not contrary to the working of the Holy Spirit; they are a means that the Holy Spirit uses to further his work. Work in the church is to be planned, well organized, and thought through. But, we must be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We prepare, but God opens doors.
Take a few moments and think about what you have to do today. Whatever you have prepared to do today, take those plans and bathe them in prayer. Watch God open doors!