Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Day 2 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Prayer: Adoration 
Lee Chewning, Associate Pastor | Worship
Nehemiah 1:5-6   
As we look at the first part of Nehemiah’s prayer today, we see a very pointed focus. Though Nehemiah felt he had a vision and a very clear task before him, he genuinely approached God and displayed an attitude of humility for those around him, and even us today. 
In vs. 5, Nehemiah begins with an acknowledgment of who God is. Jesus himself modeled this for us in Matthew 6:8. He speaks of our God’s might and greatness. He even goes on to acknowledge the faithfulness of God. His belief that God is who He says He is, was critical to the request and action that was to follow. He believes God can accomplish anything and that He will keep His word when commissioning his servants. And then... Nehemiah acts on it. He believes God will do what says He will do.
After making it known that he, Nehemiah, was bringing a request before the Lord and that he desired to be heard, he reveals another critical step to us. He acknowledges his sin and comes before the Lord in confession and repentance. He remembers the commands of the Lord and brings his sin before God, requesting forgiveness. Again, Jesus models this perfectly in The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:12). 
Today as we pray, would you consider approaching God in this same manner? Let’s not just bring our lists, but first acknowledge the greatness and might of our God. Then we bring before Him our sin in confession and repentance. Because of His complete forgiveness and redemption of our souls, we fall before Him in true adoration.