Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day 18 :: Nehemiah Devoations

Coordinating Tasks   
Al Fausch, Director of Business & Financial Administration
Nehemiah 3:1-121 Peter 4:10
I like getting the job done, don’t you? That is what the Israelites did in this case. Most of the people, priests and leadership, except for a few nobles in v.5, went to work in a coordinated fashion and rebuilt their section of the wall, towers, and gates of Jerusalem.
When the task is small, coordination may not be necessary, but when you are doing a God-sized task (like rebuilding the walls of a city, or seeking God’s vision for life and ministry), the need for coordination is obvious. The work of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem could not have been accomplished without everyone working together as a part of a coordinated plan.
This is also what we see in 1 Peter 4:10, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”
Each group of individuals went to work using the gift(s) the Lord had given them and faithfully administered God’s grace. As a result, the God-sized task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem proceeded in record time.
As we seek fresh vision for our church, as we dedicate our lives and our ministries to fulfilling our mission to make, mature, and multiply disciples of Jesus Christ, let’s accept the challenge, all of us, coordinated together, to “use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”