Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 16 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Luke Samuelson, Campus Pastor | West
Nehemiah 3:1-121 Peter 4:10
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 
I once heard an illustration based on 1 Peter 4:10, that said to imagine that you went to a restaurant and right before your waiter delivered your meal, he dipped his fingers into your food and took for himself what was meant for you! I don’t know what you would do, but I might ask for the manger or leave the restaurant, but what I wouldn’t do is eat the food that someone had just put their hands into. 
What does this illustrate? We are simply servants in service to our King. We have received a gift that we might serve one another and display the grace of God. When we have an internal focus or a “me” focus, instead of an “others” focus we end up being a waiter/servant that takes for himself what was meant to be served to others. God is capable of doing everything without us, but chooses to use us. The reality is we all have a role to play on God’s team. No role is too minute on God’s team.
Father, thank you that you have gifted and commanded each and every one of us to serve one another. Help me today to see my time, talent, and treasures as gifts from you to be used for you.