Sunday, March 27, 2016

Holy Week—Resurrection Sunday

Holy Week—Resurrection Sunday

God proved his love for us on Friday, when Jesus stood in our place, dying the death we deserved so we could live the life only he deserved—life with God forever! Today God proved that nothing will stand in the way of his love—not religious leaders, not secular governments, not death, not sealed tombs—nothing! 

Resurrection Sunday Reading
  • John 20:1-31
Resurrection Sunday Discussion
  • God has a funny way of turning things on their head...of doing the unexpected...of making things happen that just shouldn't happen. And he's been doing it since the very beginning! Speaking things into existence out of nothing. Keeping promises to his people even when they hate and ignore him. Delivering his people from the worst situations and the meanest rulers. But what God did on Resurrection Sunday is the ultimate example of him doing the impossible...that shouldn't surprise us, of course, because with God, all things are possible!
  • Jesus was dead. The tomb was sealed and guarded. The disciples were in hiding and scared for their lives. In the midst of all that, God busts back on the scene and shows up in the most unexpected way—in person, alive! Jesus really died, but God's power is stronger than the power of death, and so Jesus came back alive to show that nothing can stop God's love.
  • Life is full of surprises...some of them are good and some of them are bad. Disappointments, tough circumstances, and hard times are part of life in our sin-cursed world. That won't change until God completes the work of restoring all things to himself. Until then, we can face everything with hope because we know—now that we've seen Jesus die for us and come back to life—that God loves us and nothing can stop his love. 
  • Whatever is going on in your life today, God loves you. Whatever happens tomorrow, God loves you. Moment by moment, day by day, in the midst of your greatest failures and greatest successes, God loves you. Not because we deserve to be loved, but because he is faithful to his promises, and he has promised to love everyone whose hope for salvation is in Jesus. That is good news indeed!
Resurrection Sunday Questions
  • How does the resurrection help you know God loves you? How does it make you feel to know God's love for you is unstoppable (even your worst mistake can't stop it!)?
  • How can you remember God's love for you tomorrow? the day after that? Talk about some ways to remind yourself of the good news that God loves you!
Resurrection Sunday Resources
  • The Final Days of Jesus: Resurrection Sunday (video) -
  • Holy Week Timeline Visualization -
  • Tim Keller on the Resurrection -
We hope your family has enjoyed waking together with God this Holy Week! For more ideas about family worship and devotions, check out the following resources:
  • Family Worship by Don Whitney
  • A Guide to Family Worship (written for Christmas time but applies year-round) 
  • Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing (devotion book for kids)