Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Day 3 :: The Upper Room

John 13:12-17
Are You Better than Christ?
January 14, 2015
Jay McGuirk, Associate Pastor | Discipleship

To a world that desperately wants meaningful community, Jesus’ words in John 13:14-17 speak powerfully. Since the footwashing and the cross show Jesus’ sacrificial love, the community of those who have been cleansed should be characterized by that same love. If the Son of God can wash feet, then we should love and serve each other with joy. As John Stott says, “humility is a universal Christian virtue to be expressed through sincere and costly service of others in Christ’s name.” Through the cross, we have both been driven to this humility and given common ground on which to build meaningful relationships. Jesus wants the pattern of servanthood that he demonstrated to become the pattern of our lives. Having your feet washed by the firstborn of all creation makes your earlier argument about who is the greatest among you seem silly. Jesus’ actions validate everything he has taught his followers and show that his call is one to radical servanthood.

None of us would say that we are better than Christ. We know better. What then does it look like for you to sacrificially serve others? How can you create margin in your life where you are able to serve your brothers and sisters in Christ? Will you teach? Will you meet physical needs? Who will you humble yourself to serve?


When I refuse to radically and sacrificially serve others, I refuse to follow Christ in complete humility. #UpperRoom