Friday, January 23, 2015

Day 10 :: The Upper Room

Education Sunday | The Joy of Parenting
January 23, 2015
Glenn Schultz

Scripture makes it clear that children are a wonderful gift from the Lord. Because our children are a gift from God, they can bring great joy to our lives. Too often parents believe that the greatest joy that a child can bring them comes from the child’s achievements and accomplishments. However, John tells us that the greatest joy a parent can experience in life is when they know that their children are walking in the truth.

Since this is the greatest joy that a child can bring to their parents, it is important that our parenting efforts are aimed at seeing our children walk after truth. This will not occur simply because they grow up in a Christian home and attend church. For our children to walk after truth, there must be a diligent effort to teach them the truths of God’s Word each and every day, from birth to maturity. God’s instructions on the importance of doing this can be found throughout the Scriptures.

On what are your parenting efforts focused as you raise your children? Are they aimed at making sure your children achieve success in this world or are they aimed at having them walk after truth? How you answer these questions, will determine the joy you receive from them.

TWEET THIS: Joy in parenting is not determined by what our children achieve but by who they become as they learn to walk in the truth. #UpperRoom