Kent Oviatt, Associate Pastor | Multi-cultural Ministries
Toss out the word “worship” in casual conversation and see
what kind of definitions you get. Most likely you will hear words like church,
liturgy, music, preaching, and Sunday. For many people, they connect worship to
a Sunday event at a local church. While
this definition is not technically wrong, it is incomplete. The New Testament
has a much deeper definition.
In John 4, Jesus and the Samaritan woman discuss this. She
had just referred to genuine worship as a place, but Jesus told her that true
worship must worship in Spirit and in Truth (4:23-34). Our question today: “Am
I worshipping God daily?” should involve practicing God’s presence in every
moment. Then as we practice this lifestyle of worship, our plans and agenda
will more purposefully align with God’s plans and agenda.
Romans 12, affirms this lifestyle of worship. As we
surrender our lives to Christ and allow him to transform our minds we
participate in worship. Worship must begin in our hearts, before it can
genuinely be demonstrated in our actions. Are you worshipping God daily? Is
this worship transformational? Are you allowing God to conform you into the
image of his Son? Do you notice that as you worship your plans begin to change?
When true worship occurs daily in our hearts, it will then
be demonstrated through our actions. Our plans will change as we align around
God’s agenda rather than our own.