Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Day 27 :: Rare Elements

Transformed in Community: Established
Jay McGuirk, Associate Pastor | Discipleship

What is so “new” about this commandment that Jesus gives to his disciples just before he moves to the cross? Moses taught us to love God and love our neighbors. Here, Jesus’ love and teaching deepens and transforms these commands. The newness is that we are to love each other as Jesus has loved his disciples. This happens best when we are established in ongoing community with other believers.

You’ve likely read the stories of Jesus and the disciples. They were not a selfless and spiritually mature group of men during their time with Jesus. They argued about being first in his kingdom, betrayed him, slept when they should have prayed, denied they knew him and even asked to destroy some people who rejected him. Yet, Jesus loved them in spite of their flaws and empowered them to change the world.

You can’t really love someone unless you walk through life with them. When you are around them only occasionally, you see them at their best. It’s when you live your lives together that you find out their moods, weaknesses and annoyances. Jesus lived with his followers day in and day out for three years and he knew them completely—yet he still loved them.

Growing in our faith means really learning to love others as we follow Jesus together. The more we do this, the more we see that this love does not come from anything we create, but from the presence of the Holy Spirit working through us.

TWEETABLE QUOTE: Establish yourself in community so that Jesus’ example and teaching can transform your love for others.