My Next: God-lover
Richard Hardee, Associate Pastor | Head of School
In Matthew 16 Jesus warns of false teaching, Peter confesses
that Jesus is the Messiah, Jesus predicts His own death and resurrection, and
finally He teaches about taking up one's cross to follow Him.
"If anyone" - this is an open invitation, but not
all will accept; "wants to come with Me" - to go or come along with
implies an enjoyable experience spending time together; "he must
deny himself" - this is surely hard because we are selfish and
self-centered beings; "take up his cross" - this sounds difficult and
even dangerous; "and follow Me" - this obviously means more than
coming along with someone - it is journeying together, trusting the one you
follow, regardless of how rough and difficult the terrain.
We must ask ourselves, “whom are we following?” In
order to whole-heartedly follow someone, we must know and trust them. And to
continuously follow them, or stay the course, we must continue in the process
of coming to know and love them fully. To be sure, Jesus is the only One worthy
of our complete and total love and allegiance.
Denying one's self, taking up one's cross, and following Him
will look different for each of us. Whatever difficulty or suffering we may
face for following Him on this side of heaven is only temporary when compared
to the joy of being in His presence for all of eternity! Choose to follow Him -
we can trust where He leads!
TWEETABLE QUOTE: To be sure, Jesus is the only One worthy of our
complete and total love and allegiance.