Love Leads to Boldness
January 19, 2015
Greg Poss, Executive Pastor
Imagine the sense of shock and confusion among the disciples
upon hearing the words “one of you will betray me” from Jesus’ own lips. John’s
gospel account captures some of the aftermath of that bombshell revelation. The
disciples are looking around at each other, not sure of the exact meaning of
what Jesus said, or even about the intended subject of his words. Though Jesus
had previously alluded to his death, it is only now becoming clear to the
disciples that his death is imminent.
In the midst of the fallout from Jesus’ revelation about his
coming betrayal, John is the only disciple willing to speak up, asking about
the identity of the betrayer. Perhaps it is because John is “the disciple whom
Jesus loved.” It seems that being a recipient of the love of God fundamentally
changes how a person approaches him. Absent the love of God, our approach to
him is fearful and tepid. Now, however, we come boldly, knowing that in Christ
we will not be turned away. Just as John approached Jesus boldly in the Upper
Room, we too can come to God without fear of rejection due to the love of God
we receive in Christ.
God loves us, we can approach him with confidence; we won’t be turned away!