Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 14 :: The Upper Room

An Image of Unity
January 29, 2015
Steven Ackley, Associate Pastor | College & Young Adults

I’ve always been a visual learner. Let me see it and then I’ll get it. Several times in my life I’ve overlooked good concepts because there was nothing to show me that they were actually good. When it comes to the Body of Christ loving one another, the good news is that God has given us a remarkable picture: the Trinity. In John 17, the gospel writer provides wonderful insight into this most wonderful portrait of unity. Jesus, in his high priestly prayer, speaks of the mutual benefit between the Father and the Son. He celebrates their likeness as well as their distinctly different roles. Jesus also speaks to the eventual multiplied benefit that comes from their unity.

In our love for one another we have the opportunity to illustrate these things to the world as they have been illustrated us. We have a unique opportunity in the Body of Christ to seek to benefit one another; this is the very reason the Bible says that we have been given spiritual gifts! The Church also has been given the call to celebrate our common faith while recognizing and rejoicing in our distinct differences and the diverse opportunities that those bring. As we join in illustrating this unity we certainly have benefit that multiplies beyond our walls and beyond what our individual efforts could ever accomplish. May we learn our unity from the best image imaginable, and may we illustrate for the rest of the world a unified God-head that “they may know Your name.”

TWEET THIS: The greatest image of the Church’s unity is found in the Trinity. #UpperRoom

ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURES: 1 Corinthians 12:1-31