Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 29 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Luke Samuelson, Campus Pastor | West
Nehemiah 5:1-13
Merriam-Webster’s dictionary gives us the definition of integrity as “an unimpaired condition.” Another listed definition is “the quality or state of being complete or undivided.”  The Hebrew word for integrity, “tom,” also means to be complete or solid. This doesn’t mean sinless perfection, since we know only One who has ever been without sin, but it does mean personal dependability, financial responsibility, and private purity. 
Nehemiah was assigned a job, and regardless of who was watching, he was going to complete his job. Nehemiah displays a blend of courage and integrity by not backing down when facing opposition and doing the right thing. 
Are you facing opposition when trying to do the right thing? When the pressure mounts and the critics gather; integrity doesn’t back down, doesn’t crack under the pressure, and stands firm to do the right thing, even if it’s unpopular. 
The culture around us has views that are in opposition to the Christian worldview. If you want to standout today, imagine saying these words found in verse 9, “The thing that you are doing is not good. Ought you not walk in the fear of our God?” 
Sometimes integrity is having the courage to tell the truth, even if there are negative consequences. The world needs men and women of integrity! We need it in our schools, homes, churches, and marketplaces. 
Father, we want to be people of integrity. We want to represent you well as your ambassadors and live a life that is pleasing and glorifying to you. Give us the strength to stand up for You in this fallen and sinful world. We ask your help to be people of integrity for your glory and honor.