Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 26 :: Nehemiah Devoations

Make and Execute Bold Plans 
Don Schmidt, Associate Pastor | Adult Ministries & Connections
Nehemiah 4:1-21
This passage is filled with examples of the obstacles that Nehemiah faced: They were taunted by the inhabitants of the land (4:1-3); their lives were threatened by their enemies (4:7-8); they grew weary and felt overwhelmed (4:10); they labored from dawn until dark, they didn’t return to their homes, they slept in their clothes (4:21-23); and they experienced internal, civil discord that distracted them from the work God had called them to fulfill (5:1-5).
In the face of these overwhelming obstacles, Nehemiah called the people to the most significant work of their lives: Nehemiah called on God (4:4-5, 9), he challenged the people to “remember the Lord who is great and awesome” (4:14), and he responded to the challenges with clear plans of action (4:6,9,13,16,19,22).
As I reflect on this passage, I am struck by two observations. First, everyone had a job, everyone knew their job, everyone did their job. That is a great example for all of us who serve on the ministry teams of our church. 
Second, the success of their undertaking required a dual focus by everyone involved – they had to focus both on the primary task (that of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem) and also on the need to protect the task. This reminds us that we need to understand and defend the work that God has called us to accomplish for Him. 
Do you have a ministry assignment? Are you serving faithfully in the task God has called you to complete? And do you recognize the ways in which you can respond to those things that threaten and hinder the work of God through our church? Together we will accomplish all that God has called us to fulfill for His glory.