Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day 24 :: Nehemiah Devotions

Always Face Opposition 
Dr. Gary Chapman, Senior Associate Pastor
Nehemiah 4:1-21
The sun was shining, the birds were singing, everything looked great.  Nehemiah was back in Jerusalem, and the people had responded to his message and were excited about rebuilding the walls around Jerusalem.  However, almost immediately they faced the opposition of Sanballat and Tobiah, along with the Ammonites and Ashdodites.  We should not expect it to be different for us.  When an individual or a church sets out to do something under the hand of God, we can expect opposition.  
Persecution is not a sign that we should quit.  Persecution is evidence that we are doing something important.  Sanballat was not opposed to the people of Israel as long as they were simply eking out an existence in the ruins of Jerusalem.  It was only when they began to rebuild the walls of the city that he became furious.  Satan does not attack the church who is not consciously seeking to impact the world.  It is when individuals and churches, moved by the Spirit of God, begin to make and execute plans that will bring people from the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of Light, that Satan’s opposition will rise.
What we must remember is that “the battle is the Lord’s.”  As Nehemiah cried out, “Hear us O our God…” so in the face of opposition we too must rely upon the power of God and not our own ingenuity. 
Father, we want to join you in reaching our generation.  Let our hearts respond to your heart.  Let your vision be our vision.  When opposition comes, in our hour of difficulty may our hearts turn to you and rely on your power to accomplish your purposes.