Thursday, September 17, 2015

Day 4 :: Rare Elements

Connect In: Christ-like Disciplines
Gary Byrum, Associate Pastor | Pastoral Care & Senior Adults

WWJD. You have undoubtedly seen colorful bracelets with these bold letters; first popular in the 1990’s, they are still present on many wrists today. “What Would Jesus Do?”

This is an admirable question, but, as we look at the “heart issues” that Jesus highlights in Matthew 5, perhaps a better question for followers of Christ to consider is “WWJB” or “Who Would Jesus Be?” in the particular situation confronting the faithful believer.

“Doing” may focus on the external, on the actions that people can see; “Being” more significantly focuses on the internal, the deeper motivations of the heart. And the deeper heart issues are Jesus’ concern in this chapter.

“You have heard that it was said . . .” and then a statement of law and measurement.

“But I say to you . . .” and then a statement of deeper meaning, deeper consequence, matters concerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

So as disciples of Christ, what disciplines can we develop that flow out of an understanding of who Jesus is and how Jesus’ heart motivates what Jesus would do?

Let’s look at just a few of the heart motivations and intentions that Jesus shares in the Gospels:
  •  Most Important Commandments: Love God, love your neighbor (Matt. 22:36-40).
  • Motivation: Moved with compassion (Matt. 9:36).
  • Mission: To seek and to save that which is lost (Luke 19:10).
  • Model: Servanthood (John 13:3-17).
 Engage Jesus’ heart. How does His heart impact your walk, your disciplined life in Christ today?

TWEETABLE QUOTE: As disciples of Christ, what disciplines cn we develop tht flow out of knowing who Jesus is & how Jesus’ heart motivates wht Jesus would do?