Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day 42 :: The Upper Room

Stop, Listen, Believe
March 11, 2015
Kelli Benfield, Director | Communications

The disciples finally came to the point where they heard the words of the Lord and obeyed in bold faith. They believed without hesitation.

As a mom, I find myself directing my child by answering her many questions, especially the question: Why? Upon hearing my answer, she usually responds like I am answering by way of parables. Honestly, my frustration surfaces when I think I have communicated clear, simple instructions and she walks away in more confusion. In some ways, my response to God’s word resembles my child’s response to my answers: full of doubt and more questions. I often approach his word and commands distracted and selfishly. I believe many people in the church approach God and his word similarly.

What will it take for us to truly stop all the noise, pay attention, and seek God for clear direction? What will it take for us to believe Him at His word...the first time? Maybe we are intentionally holding our hands over our ears while yelling, “What did you say?” He is trying to clearly lead you today. Stop questioning His direction and believe Him.

TWEET THIS: Are you really paying attention to what God is telling you? Listen and believe with without hesitation. #UpperRoom