Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 35 :: The Upper Room

The Presence of Christ
March 2, 2015
Guy L. Hipp, Senior Associate Pastor | Coordination & Accountability

Walking down the preschool hallway at church on Sunday reminds me how the disciples may have felt upon hearing Jesus's words in John 16:16. Moms saying to their preschool age children as they leave them in the care of a preschool teacher, "I'll be back to pick you up in a little while." Of course, the tears often flow. Parents return within an hour or two to pick up their child. Have you ever been left behind? How did you feel? Jesus warned several times in the Upper Room discourse of his leaving—he prepared those most special to him for the shock of his crucifixion. However, each word of warning included promises to them. The promise that they would see him again is the hope of all believers. This promise included Jesus's post-resurrection appearances and his second coming.

Jesus will also come to claim those who belong to him. Jesus promised to never leave or forsake his followers/disciples (John 10:28). He promised the Comforter—the Holy Spirit—to be his representative, and he promised to intercede for us at the right hand of God the Father (Heb. 9:24). Enjoy the presence of Christ today as a comforter, helper, interceder, and Savior. Furthermore, read John 14 about encouragement for the presence of Christ in your life today.

ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE: 1 Thessalonians 4; John 14

TWEET THIS: Enjoy the presence of Christ today as a comforter, helper, interceder, and Savior. #UpperRoom