Help My Unbelief
12, 2015
Priest, Executive Assistant I Senior Pastor
"Do you now believe?" Jesus asked His disciples this question the night before His death. It's hard to tell if He was relieved or exasperated. After three years of ministry, the disciples had just proclaimed in the Upper Room that they believed. But what about all their previous confessions of faith? Were the disciples' other proclamations not genuine? Of course they were. But that night, they comprehended that there was even more to Jesus than they had understood before.
are no different. With every significant moment and season, we are brought to a
place where we believe in ways we've never believed before. The disciples'
faith grew deeper as they experienced Jesus in new ways, and so should ours. In
truth, we should continually experience moments when we are overcome by new
faith. Moments that call us out of what we thought we understood about Him, to
an awakening of something more. We should desire to let go of old notions and
grasp a higher and deeper understanding of our Savior and what He is calling us
to do. As we are overcome by His surpassing glory, He gives us the ability to
overcome the "scatterings" of life. In those moments, we discover
that we are not abandoned, but instead held by One more powerful and merciful
than we had believed the moment before.
Scripture: Mark 9:17-27; Luke 17:5-6
TWEET THIS: Our faith grows as we
better understand the person and work of Jesus Christ. #UpperRoom