Friday, March 6, 2015

Day 39 :: The Upper Room

Ask According to His Name
March 6, 2015
Don Mann, Associate Pastor | Stewardship

Jesus is the master of language. His subtle and striking use of the smallest of words teaches the greatest of truths. To understand the main truth of the passage, how joy may be full, you must focus on the logic of the prepositions of the Trinity. It may be read with this understanding:

Since you will ask nothing of Me (the Son, the Mediator)
Since you will ask anything of Him (the Father, The Provider)
Since you will ask in My Name (the Son, the Mediator)
Since you will ask through the Holy Spirit (implied)
Since you will receive (from the Father, through the Holy Spirit, The Comforter)
Then your joy will be full.

Joy that is full does not come just from receiving what is asked. Joy that is full comes from knowing that our heartfelt requests are engaging with all persons of the Trinity and sharing fellowship in prayer. He has already prepared an order and a way to respond that not only includes us, but also an invitation that welcomes us. Pray today. As a believer, you are free to ask anything in His name that actually represents who He is and what He wants to accomplish. The next time you finish praying and say "in Jesus' name,” realize and respect all that it means to your requests (John 14:6, Ephesians 3:12, and Hebrews 4:14-15). All aspects of one's prayer life should be the product of biblical insight and faith according to the promises, principles and purposes of prayer as taught in God's Word.

ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE: Hebrews 4:14-15; Ephesians 3:12; John 14:6

TWEET THIS: When you pray, are you praying to and in the name of the Triune God—the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? #UpperRoom