Thursday, November 5, 2015

Day 39 :: Rare Elements

Completely Generous: Giving Sacrificially
Don Mann, Associate Pastor | Stewardship

Decisions of the heart are different than decisions of the mind. The mind may ask, can I afford to give? The heart will ask, can I afford to withhold?

The passage from verses 6-11 addresses the essentials of generosity for a special need of the church. The appeal to generosity goes beyond the tithe. He calls believers to make a wise decision based upon the principles of generosity.

Briefly outlined they are:
I will reap in proportion to what I sow
I will always have all I need because of God’s abundance
I have been enriched so that I may be generous
Giving to a godly need is an investment in enduring righteousness
Generosity is motivated by and results in thanksgiving to God

When decisions of the heart motivate giving, the reluctant or under-compulsion motivations fade away. Giving a tithe, or 10% of income to the Lord and responding with generosity becomes a lifestyle. The motivation for generous living over ordinary giving is thanksgiving to God for His abundant generosity to me.